Answering the Unheard cries of the customers, Umang Software Technologies have come up with Visual Menu Series. So customers can see what will be served and won’t be taken by surprise by misleading names of menu dishes. It is a way for the Hoteliers to step up to his customer’s latent needs and an opportune way attendant them.

With the Visual Menu Series Understanding the Cuisine will be easy!!

Visual Menu Series, tablet based Apps for the Hotel and Restaurant industry, is one of its kind.
Visual Menu is a tablet based menu system which helps the customers in a restaurant to visually comprehend the menu dishes effortlessly and place order without any perplexity. The screen gives a brief description of the dish, its ingredients and a set of images/ videos of the Menu Item. Visual Menu is designed to simplify the customer’s understanding of the offered menu and to bid an interactive and a personalized service. It is a guide in an alien land for tourists as it offers their mother tongue swaying them with ease. Names of some dishes are misleading at times, But when you see the images, videos and descriptions you avoid the disappointment of unwanted surprise of the food on the table.
Kitchen Order Pad is designed in par with all the norms and conditions the Hotel Industry is acquainted to. KOP takes care right from table reservation to the customised order placed by the customer to that of reverse KOT to that of Transfer tablets to even projecting the Images. The speed of KOP and its accuracy are its virtues. The KOT is automatically divided according to the sections of the Kitchen and they find their way through.



I was quite impressed with your "Visual Menu" for restaurants. The only place I saw something like this was at a restaurant in Los Angeles where we could go through their menu on a computer present at each table, understand and see through pictures what a dish was all about, and even place our orders through it.
~ Aparna Mallya, Food Blogger


Premium Visual Menu


The Premium Visual Menu, the up-graded and perked-up version of Basic Visual Menu is designed to simplify the customer's understanding of the offered menu and to bid an interactive and a personalized service. It is a guide in an alien land for tourists as it offers their mother tongue swaying them with ease.

Kitchen Order Pad


Kitchen Order Pad is an electronic Kitchen Order Ticket (KOT). The attendant/waiter can place an order from the tablet without moving away from the table, notifying the kitchen as well as the cashier. The Device is being modeled to eliminate the human errors and unnecessary movements of the same.